Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Necessity is the mother of this choice.

The project that I will be taking on as my first is one that I never planned on doing. I have seen it many times and though... great idea, but not for me. Maybe for the kids if they go away to college...

(Please note now, I love ellipses. LOVE THEM!)

We are painting the living room this week. This is not a project about that. This is more about what happens when you are painting and the rest of the house hold stuff gets away from you.
In this case, laundry. There is a pile of kitchen towels sitting in the garage (where my laundry is) waiting. On the floor. It's gross.

After I finish this weeks project... no more. Here is the link to the embroidery hoop laundry bag. I will be keeping mine simple and not embellishing it. I really don't see the point if it is out in the garage. If I move it to the kitchen, I will make it lovely though.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Why is she doing this?

It is the start of a new year. I am not a fan of resolutions. But I am a fan of intentions. And I live and breath new projects. Every few months I decide that I am doing a big long 365 sort o project.

This year is no different. This year I am intending to make a Pinterest project a week. I will be posting the link to the project at the first of the week. The finished project at the end. If a project ends up taking too long... I think there will be filler projects. I want to number them, so project one will be week one, that sort of thing.

I welcome suggestions, just put them in the comments.

Let's see what happens.